Thursday, December 31, 2009

Following is a sincere effort to translate from Telugu, some of the poems written by Yogi Vemana centuries back espousing several good sayings for the benefit of all. He started his life as an easy going and luxury loving person from a rich family.
Later,he underwent a complete trasformation of his way of life relinquishing every thing as a result of chance meeting a yogi who wanted to transfer all his knowledge to his disciple by name Abhirama before his end came. Vemana who comes to know of this manages to get this by preventing his friend Abhiraama . Vemana later repents for his treachery to his friend leading to a decision to discard all earthly luxuries and become a sannyasin. He wantedLater put all this knowledge in the form of simple Telugu verses.As an acknowledgement he ended every stanza with the name of Abhiraama. The following is an effort put this in English for the benefit of people at large. It is difficult to do this , specially the idiomatic usage. Any suggestion will be welcome.

Chitta suddhi kaligi chesina punyambu
konchemaina nadiyu koduva kaadu
vittanambu marri vrukshambunaku nentha
viswadaabhirama vinura vema.

Just as the seed of a banyan tree, even though very tiny, grows into a huge tree when planted, any deed done with a good mind even when small is not to be considered small as it could yield great result.

Aathma suddhi leni aachaara madhi yela ?
bhaanda suddhi leni paaka mela,
chitta suddhi leni siva pujalelaraa
viswadabhirama vinura vema.

just as any cooking done without cleaning the vessel is not fit for consumption,any custom followed without purity of mind is of no avail. In the same way, any worship of God without a clean mind is not of any avail.

Gangi govu paalu gantedainanu chaalu
kadava dina nemi kharamu paalu,
bhakthi kalugu kudu pattedinanu chaalu,
viswadaabhirama vinura vema.

Just as even a small cup of milk from a good cow is useful and fit for drinking compared to barrel of donkey's milk, even a morsel of food served with affection is enough.

Nikkamaina manchi neela mokkati chaalu,
taluku beluku raallu thattedela,
chaatu padya mokati chaaladaa yokkati
viswa....vinura vema.

When even one real precious stone is satisfying, why going for many shining ordinary stones just as one good poem is sufficient.

mirapa ginja chuda meeda nallaga nundu
koriki chuda lona churuku manunu
sajjanulaguvaari saara mitlunduraa

Though the seed of a dried capsicum looks black, it gives a very hot feeling when bitten. Similar is the case of a good natured person's greatness.

Mriga madambu chuda meeda nallaga nundu
paridhavillu daani parimalambu
guruvulaina vaari gunamu leelaaguraa
viswa....... vema.

Musk, although looks black, has a very good perfume spreadng every where. Similar is the nature of teachers who spread their goodness every where.

Medipandu chuda melimai yundunu
potta vippi chuda purugulundu
piriki vani madini binka meelaaguraa

Black apple looks very nice and attractive. But when it's opened insects are seen. Similarly a timid person shows great courage only externally.

Nerananna vaadu nerajana mahi lona
neru nanna vaadu ninda chendu
voorukunna vaade vutthama yogiraa,

One who pleads ignorance is very intelligent and escapes always but one who says he knows all gets all blame. Similarly one maintains silence is really saintly.

Ganga paaru nepudu kadalani gathi thoda
muriki vaagu paaru mrotha thoda
pedda pinna thanamu permi eelaaguraa

River Ganges flows steadily without sound. But a dirty drain makes lot of noise while flowing. Similar is the difference between an elderly knowledgiable person and lowly one.

Medi pandu chuda melimai yundunu
potta vippi chuuda purugu lundu
piriki vaani madini binka meelaaguraa

Like the fruit of a black apple, which looks attractive outside but contains full of insects when opened, the courage shown externally by a timid person is just an outside show but not real.

Nera nanna vaadu nerajana mahi lona
neru nanna vaadu ninda chendu
urukunna vaade yuttama yogiraa

One who feigns ignorance and escapes is a very intelligent person Whereas the one who who bluffs that he knows all is blamed by public. At the same time, one who keeps mum is considered very great.

Ganga paaru nepudu kadalani gathi thoda
muriki vaagu paaru mrotha thoda
pedda pinna thanamu permi eelaaguraa

A mighty river like Ganges flows very steadily and a dirty water street drain flows with great noise. Same is the way of elderly wise persons who work cool and calm young and ignorant ones make lot of noise with no result.

Nindu nadulu paaru nilichi gambhiramai
verry vaagu paaru vegamborli
alpudaadu reethi nadhikundu naadunaa,

Rivers even with heavy volumes of water flow steadily in the normal times. But small rivulets and streams flow with large turbulence. Similar is the difference in the behaviours of a noble person and an lowly person.

Alpudepudu palku naadambaramu gaanu
sajjanundu palku challa gaanu
kanchu mroginatlu kanakambu mrogunaa

Just as a bronze vessel gives a high pitch sound when struck compared to a golden one, person with low level of behaviour talks with great force; but a noble person always speaks in a gentle way.

Kulamu lona nokandu guna vanthu dundina
kulamu velayu vaani gunamu chetha
velayu vanamu lona malayajambunnatlu

Just as even one sandalwood tree in a forest results in a geat fragrance in the forest, even one person of noble behaviour brings good name to the entire clan.

Puja kanna nencha buddhi pradhaanambu
maata kanna nencha manasu drudhamu
kulamu kanna migula gunamu pradhaanambu

Behaviour is more important as compared to puja. A strong mind is superiour to a loose talk. In the same way good conduct is better than one's race or sect.

Raamudokadu putti raghukula meederche
kurupathi janiyinchi kulamu cheriche
elanu punya paapa meelaagu kaadoko

Just Lord Raama brought great name to the whole Raghukula and Duryodhana brought disrepute to his entire family, Similar is the difference between one's noble or evil behaviour.

Heena gunamu vaani nilu chera nicchina
yentha vaani kaina nidumu kalugu
eega kadupu jocchi ettittu cheyadaa

Even one person with bad behaviour is allowed in the house could result in problems to the residents, in the same way as one small fly when enters stomach gives terrible trouble.

veru purugu cheri vrikshambu cheruchunu
cheeda purugu jeri chettu cheruchu
kutsithundu cheri gunavanthu cheruchuraa

While a stem borer entering a tree completely spoils it, termites damages its leaves.
In a similar way if a bad mannered person joins a good person, he is also spoiled.

Alpu denni vidya labhyasinchina gaani
ghanudu gaadu heena janudegaani
parimalambu moya gaardhabhamu gajamoune

Even after learning many studies a low mannered person can not become great and continues to be low mannered just as a donkey even after carrying loads of perfumes can not convert into an elephant.

Vidya lenivaadu vidyaadhikula chentha
nundi nantha pandithundu kaadu
kolani hamsalakadam gokkera vunnatlu

An uneducated person cannot become a learned one just by remaining with them, just as a crane does not become a swan just by staying with them.

Alpa jaathivaadi kadhikaara micchina
doddavaari nella tholaga jeyu
cheppundinedi kukka cheruku theeperugunaa

Just as a leather eating dog cannot know the sweetness of a sugar cane, a low cultured person, when given an authority, cannot realise it but removes all good learned people instead.

Alpudainavaadi kadhika bhaagyamugalga
doddavaari ditti thola gottu
alpajaathi moppe yadhikula nerugunaa

When a low mannered person becomes very rich he removes all learned people as he cannot realise their value.

Eddu kainagaani yedaadi thelipina
maata telisi nadachu marmamerigi
moppe theliya ledu muppadendlaku naina

Even a bullock goes freely after it is taught every day for an year along the specified route. But a stupid person cannot understand even after thirty years.

Eluka tholu tecchi yedaadi uthikina
nalupu nalupe gaani telupu raadu
koyya bomma tecchina kottina balukunaa

Just as the skin of a rat cannot turn white after washing for an year and a woodden doll cannot speak after any beating, no one can alter the natural fact of life.

Paamu kanna ledhu paapsti jeevambu
atti paamu cheppinatlu vinunu
khaluni gunamu maanpu ghanu levvarunu leru
visva daa.....vema.

Even a lowly creature like a serpent can be taught to obey instructions. But there is none in the world to change the behaviour of a rogue.

Vemu paalu posi prematho penchina
chedu virigi theepi chenda bodu
vogonogu kaaka uchithagnu detulaunu

Even after bringing up a neem plant with milk, all its products will continue to be bitter. In the same way a rogue continues to be one despite all efforts.

Musti vepa chettu modalanta prajalaku
paraga mulikalaku paniki vacchu
nirdayaathmakundu neechu dendulakaunu

Nux vomica and neem plants although bitter are very useful as drugs but an unhelpful natured person is never of any use.

Paalu panchadaara paapara pandlalo
chaala posi vandan chaviki raadu
kutila maanavulaku guna mela galguraa

Even after pouring lot of sugar and cooking, a bitter fruit cannot improve in taste. In the same way evil natured persons cannot learn good behaviour even with all efforts.

Paala neediginta groluchu nundenaa
manujulella gudi madya mandru
niluva dagani chota niluva nindalu vocchu

Even when one drinks milk in a toddy shop people take that only toddy is being consumed. Simlarly if one stays at an undesirable place, he will be blamed.

Kaanivaanithoda kalisi meluguchu nunda
kaanivalane gaanthu ravani
thadi krinda paalu thaagina chandamau

Just as one even drinking milk under a palmyrah tree will be considered to be drinking only toddy, any one in the company of bad persons will be taken to be also bad.

Thaamasinchi cheya thagadetti kaaryambu
vegirimpa nadiyu visaya merugu
pacchi kaaya decchi badaveya phalamoune

One should not do any job with pride. Similarly, if it is done in a hurry it could turn to be poisonous in the same way just as a raw fruit cannot become ripe by simply thrwing it on the floor.

Kopamunanu ghanatha konchamai povunu
kopamunanu migula godu galgu
kopamadache neni korkeleederu

Anger could make one to lose his good name and could cause problems. If it is controlled, one could achieve his tasks.

Neella loni mosali nigidi yenugu battu
bayata kukka chetha bhanga padunu
sthaana balimi gaani thana balimi gaaduraa

A crocodile can catch even an elephant when it is in water. But the same crocodile could easily be caught even by a dog when it is outside water. Hence, it is not one's strength but is only due to locational advantage.

Neella lona meenu nigidi dooramu paaru
bayata mooradaina paara ledhu
sthaana balimi gaani thana balimi gaaduraa

A fish, which can swim long distances, cannot move even a few inches when out of water. This is due to locational advantage but not its real strength.

Neella meeda noda nigidi thinnaga praaku
bayata mooradaina paaraledhu
nelavu dappu chota nerparu kora gaadu

A boat which goes freely while in water cannot go even a few inches on the shore. In the same way, when at a wrong place even a good skilled person becomes useless.

Kulamu leni vaadu kalimiche velayunu
kalimi leni vaadu kulamu digunu

Even a person of lower caste of society will be respected if he is rich but at the same time, a person born in higher castes will be ignored if he is poor. In this world it is financial status that is most important.

Kulamu galugu vaadu gothrambu gala vaadu
vidya chetha virra veegu vaadu
pasidi galugu vaadi baanisa kodukulu

Every one whether of upper caste, high family, or highly educated, they are slaves to a rich and affluent person.

Kaniyu gaana ledu, kadalapa daa noru
viniyu vinaga ledu vismayamuna
sampada gala vaani sannipaathambidi

A rich cannot understand though he can see, can not talk by opening his mouth and can not even make out even he can hear. This is the problem with one who has become rich.

Emi gonchu vacche nemi thaa goni povu
buttu vela naradu gittu vela
dhanamu lechati kegu thaanecchatiki negu

No one gets any thing when he is born nor can take any thing while leaving the world. No one knows where the riches go and where he goes. This implies futility of earthly things.

Aasa chota manuju laayuvu gala naallu
thiruguchundru bhramanu drippa leka
muriki kundamandu musaru neegala bhangi

Like flies revolving around cess pools, people will be moving around through out their life out of greed and wishes.

Thanuva devari sommu thanadani poshimpa
dravya mevari sommu daachu konaga
braana mevari sommu paaripovaka nilva
visva ....... vema.

Whose body is this to look after as his own. Whose money is this to be cared for. Caqn one hold to his life for ever with out dying. These mean that that all things are very temporary.

Petti poyaleni vattinarulu bhumi
butta nemi vaaru gitta nemi
puiia loni chedalu puttavaa gittavaa

Just as pests are born and die unnoticed in underground mounds there is no use of people who can not donate to needy and poor.

Aasha chetha manuju laayuvu gala naallu
thiruguchundru bhramanu drippaleka
muriki kundamandu musaru neegala bhangi

Just as flies who swarm inside a dirty vessel, people go on moving about as long as they are alive because of greed.

Neella lona meenu nera maamsa maasinchi
gaalamandu jikku karani bhuvini
aasha dagili narudu naalaagu chedipovu

Just as a fish in water gets caught in the fisherman's hook trying to take the piece of meat put as a bait, man will also be in trouble because of greed.

Aasha paapa jaathi yanniti kantenu
aasa chetha yathulu mosapore
chuchi vidachu vaare shuddhaathmu lendaina

Greed is the greatest of all sins because of which even great sages were cheated. As such people who get over this are great people.

Anni daanamulanu nanna daaname goppa
kanna thalli kante ghanamu ledhu
yenna gurune kanna nekkudu ledayaa

Feeding the hungry is the greatest virtue. There is none greater than the mother who has given birth to you.In the same way, the teacher who gave you education is great.

Aasa kosivesi yanalambu challaarchi
gochi bigiya gatti guttu delisi
nilichinatti vaade nera yogi yendaina

Any person who, after leaving desire, tightening the belt and learning all the nformation maintains balance is really a saint.

Chacchipadina pasuvu charmambu kandalu
patti peraki thinunu baraga gradda
gradda vanti vaadu gajapathi kaadoko

Just as vultures tear off and eat the flesh from corpses of animals, even a bad king or ruler extracts by force money as taxes from people.

Alanu bugga puttinappude kshayamounu
kalanu ganchu lakshmi kalla yagunu
ilanu bhoga bhagya meetheeru kaadoko

Just as a bubble created on water immediately breaks up and all riches seen in dreams are really not there, the properties and riches acquired are very temporary.

Kothi nokati decchi krottha puttamu gatti
konda mrucchulella golichinatlu
neethiheenu nodda nirbhaagyulunduru

People who are stricken by poverty gathering around a bad mannered person, is like dressing up one monkey in new robes of a king and other monkeys serving it.

Kalla laaduvaari graamakartha yerugu
sathyamaadu vaani swami yerugu
bedda thindipothu bendlaa merunguraa

A village chief knows who lies. God knows the person who speaks truth. Wife knows how much her husband eats.

Kalla nijamulella garalakanthu derungu
Neeru pallamerugu nijamu gaanu
thalli thaa nerungu thanayuni janmamu

God always knows what is true or false. Water always knows where the land is lower. Mother knows where her son was born.

Maila koka thoda maasina thala thoda
nodalu muriki thoda nundeneni
nagra kulajudaina nattittu piluvaru

Person even from a respectable family is not invited if he is ill dressed, dirty and with unkempt hair.

Uppu leni koora yoppadu ruchulaku
pappuleni thindi phalamu ledu
appuleni vaade adhika sampannudu

Vegitable is not tasty when cooked without salt. Similarly, food without cerials is not good. Person with no financial liability is considered rich.

Chettu paalu janulu chedandu rilalona
nenupagoddu paala ventha hithamu
paduguraadu maata paati ie dhara chellu

While milk yielded by a tree is considered bad and not tasty, buffalow milk is considered good. Same way, idea expressed by many is accepted.

Pattu patta raadu patti viduva raadu
patteneni bigiya pattavalenu
patti viduchukanna badi chacchutaye melu

One should not be rigid in insisting on any thing. But once one is rigid he should not at any cost lose the grip, as otherwise it is better to die.

Thappu lennu vaaru thandopathandambu
lurvi janulakella nundu dappu
thappu lennuvaaru thama thappu lerugaru

People who find the mistakes of others are many as everyone may commit mistakes some time or other. But such people cannot identify there own mistakes.

Anaga nanaga raaga mathisayinchuchu nundu
dinaga dinaga vemu thiyyaganundu
saadhanamuna panulu samakooru dharalona

As one goes on trying singing he improves the tonal quality. Similarly one can find the taste of neem leaves palatable by continuing eating over a long time. In the same way constant and regular practice can lead to successful results.

Inumu virigeneni inumaaru mummaaru
kaalchi yathuka vacchu kramamu gaanu
manasu virigeneni marikoorpa vacchunaa

If an iron piece breaks it can be repaired by heating it twice or thrice. But it is not possible to come to normalcy if mind is disturbed.

Oruni jerachedamani yullamandenthuru
thamaku jerurugani dharani narulu
thammu jerachuvaadu daivambuledoko

Some people plan in their minds to harm others without knowing that they could also be harmed. They forget that there is God who will trouble them.

Kaanivaani chetha gaasu veesambicchi
venta diruguvaade verrivaadu
pilli thinna kodi bilichina palukunaa

Peope who lend money to very bad people and go round to collect back later are really stupid. It is just like thinking that a cock devoured by a cat will respond to a call.

Maatalaada nerchi manasu ranjilajesi
paraga briyamu cheppi badalakunna
nokari chethi sommulooraka vacchunaa

{t is not easy to get back the money from others by just just pleasing them and entertaining them.

Champadagina yatti sathruvu thana chetha
jikkeneni geedu seyaraadu
posaga melu chesi pommanute chaalu

Even when you are able to get hold of an enemy who had harmed earlier, it is good tolet him go after extending some help.

Vaana kuriyakunna vacchunu kshaamambu
vaana guriseneni varada paaru
varada karuvu rendu varasatho nerugudee

When there are no rains there will be famine and floods when rains come.Both floods and famines are therefore cyclical in occurance.

Puttina janulella bhoomilo nundina
buttunaa jagambu patladepudu
yamuni lekkareethi naruguchununduru

If all the people born continue to live forever without death, entire world gets overcrowded. God of death controls both birth and death to ensure space for all.

Vaana raakadayunu braanambu pokada
kaana badaventha ghanunikaina
gaanabadinameeda gali yetlu nadachuraa

Arrival of a rain or death of living beings cannot be foreseen even by a person however great he is. If it could be forecast it is not kaliyuga.

Chippabadda swaathi chinuku muthyambaaye
neetibadda chinuku neeta galise
braapthi kaluguchota phalamela thappuraa

Rain drops falling in oyster shell becomes a pearl whereas drops falling on water flows as water. Thus destiny controls result.

Anuvugaani chota nadhikula manaraadu
konchemaina nadiyu koduva gaadu
konda addamandu konchemai yundadaa

One should not feel great in an inopportune place as even when simple it is not less Is not even a mountain looks small when viewed in a mirror?

Chikkiyunna vela simhambunainanu
bakka kukka karachi baadha pettu
balimileni vela pamthambu chelladu

When caught in a net and helpless even a weak dog could bite and trouble a lion as when overpowered one cannot feel strong.

Lakshmi yelinatti lankaapathi purammu
pilla kothi fouzu kolla bette
chetu kaalamayina jerapa nalpulechaalu

When the time is bad even ordinary people can cause damage just as the great rich city of Lanka was damaged by a monkey force.

Modata naasabetti thudiledu pommanu
parama lobhulaina paapulakunu
usuru thappakantu nundelu debbagaa

Those who first offer to give and later go back on their word are stingy and sinners whose actions will not fail to hit back on them like a boomerang.

Icchuvaaniyodda neenivaadundenaa
chacchugaani eevi saaga needu
kalpatharuvu krinda gacchapodayunnatlu

When a stingy person is with a liberal donor he will not allow donations to be given like a thorny shrub below a great fruit bearing tree.

Araya naasthiyanaka yaddu maataadaka
thattu padaka madini dannukonaka
thanadi gaadanukoni thaabettunade pettu

A good donor gives without refusal with no hesitation or second thought to the needy.

Dhanamu goodabetti daanambu cheyaka
thaanu thinaka lessa daachukonaka
theneteega goorchi therevari kivvadaa

Accumulating money without one spending for oneself or giving to others is like a honey bee giving away the honey which it collected without self consumption,

Paraga raathi gundu bagulagottaga vacchu
gondalanni pindi gottavacchu
kathinachitthu manasu kargimpagaaraadu

It is possible somehow to break huge boulder or to destroy hill. But it is not possible to try to soften the mind of a hard hearted person.

Vampukarra gaalchi vampu deerchagavacchu
gondalanni pindi gottavaccgu
gathinachitthu manasu karigimpagaaraadu

It is possible to straighten a bent stick atleast by heating or pulverise a hill but it is not possible to soften the mind o a hard hearted person.

Vitthamugalavaani veepuna bundaina
vasudha lona jaala vaartha kekku
beeda vaani inta bendlaina nerugaru

News of a boil on the back of a rich person spreads all over fast but even a marriage celebration in the house of a poor person may not be talked about.

Magani kaalamandu maguva kastinchina
suthula kaalamandu sukhamunondu
galimi lemi rendu galaventhavaarikaina

A housewife who works hard in the initial days of her life after marriage will enjoy the fruits later during the days of her sons. Difficulties and enjoyment are thus part of life's cycle.

Thanakuleni naadu daivambu doorunu
danaku galigeneni daivamela
thanaku daivamunaku dagulaata mettido

Forgetting the fact that God has directly nothing to do with the fortunes of individual, people abuse God when suffering in poverty but forgetting Him when they are rich.

Gaajukuppe lona gadalaka deepamba
dettulundu gnaanamattulundu
thelisinatti vaari dehambulanduna

Just as a flame is stable in glow when placed inside a glass shade knowledge stays firm in the min and heart of intelligent people.

Antharangamandunaparaadhamulu chesi
manchivaani valene manujudundu
itharu lerugakunna neeswaru derugadaa

Person committing wrong acts and keeping them in mind behaves like a good person forgetting that God is aware even if people are not aware.

Janana maranamulaku sarvaswathanthrudu kaadu
modata karthakaadu thudanugaadu
naduma kartha nanuta nagubaatu kaadoko

When one is not able to control one's birth or death, is it not foolish to think that in between, one feels himself responsible.

Neeti loni vraatha niluvaka yunnatlu
paati jagathi ledu paramu ledu
maati maatikella maarunu moorkhundu
viswa......vinura Vema.

Writing on surface of water will neither has value nor useful. In the same way an idiot changes his behaviour very often and is therefore unstable.



  1. Hi Yamini is it possible for you to point me the telugu(written in telugu script) version.

  2. Very good effort, i thoroughly enjoyed the sayings by a great poet. i appreciate you who made this translation, i am a Tamilian i can understand it easily bcoz of u all. Nandri
